The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys

Training Show

My birthday was last mth, but it was a challenge to find a day that suited everyone, so I met with my sister and nephews and with my dad and his girlfriend at 11 AM for birthday brunch. It was lovely and we had a nice couple of hours. 

At 3 PM I met with 5 friends for a training show. A training show is a show-like environment where we do not compete, but do show-like training instead. 

Our dogs soon learn to see when a set-up is training or competition. Sometimes they get slower or more naughty in competition or they loose interest because they know they won't get rewarded. By doing training shows, we can surprise them by rewarding in the competition ring. We make it harder for the dogs to predict when they can get rewarded, which gives more consistency år shows. 

My collage is:
Left from the top:
Tango and Xmas outside the hall.
Randi and Freddy the Labrador working. 
Helle in the ring and some spectators.

Right from the top:
Gollum and Xmas. 

Happy Weekend 
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys 

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