Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Nothing day

I’ve lost my get up and go …… help me find it …..

Had planned to go cycling with hubby this morning, but it was cold and he wasn’t in the right frame of mind.  So I end up watching tv / lounging around / doing nothing really - but there are lots of things to do!   I need a big kick up the backside :)

My niece had sent me a photo the other day asking if I could make a chicken coaster - made the first one, she was pleased - wanted a set of four.  I finished them yesterday and put them in the post.  They arrived this morning - she is thrilled.  (She’s had people ask where she got them from, perhaps I should think about selling them …..

Film tonight - Rebel Moon part one, futuristic film, a colony on the edge of the Galaxy are threatened, they seek to get together an army.  Quite gory in places ….. there is a part two (ready for another day).  [the critics have generally negative reviews when it came out]


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