Elf and safety MAN

This was not my intended blip for today but I need to relieve my feelings for the second time today.
Round about the time I sent yesterdays blip, our gas went off.
The contractors were informed but I was told it couldn't be fixed until today as they couldn't understand how, why or where it had happened.
Dinner was prepared in the micro wave except for potatoes which were boiled on an old camping stove which happened to have gas in it.
This morning work recommenced, then at 1030 the electricity went off.
The electricity men arrived fairly quickly and started work immediately, saying that he would be about 30 min.
After an hour, as there had been no obvious progress, I went to enquire. I was met by the electricity man, who pointed to three men by the excavation, "That one in the suit is health and safety, they cant work while he's here enquiring and filling in forms", ( I had seen him there nearly half an hour).
At this point with no gas for 24 hrs, no power for nearly 2, and no prospect of either in the near future, I stopped seeing the funny side.
In simple Anglo saxon terms I told him he was in the way, where to go and and the manner in which to do it.
An hour later power was restored (but no gas) and one of the contractors knocked at the door apologising for all the trouble caused, he went on to add that I had made his day by verbally attacking the H&S man, "one of the most hated men in the company".
I felt better after that!

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