Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

The Blue Yonder

I’m back home after a difficult few days. My grand daughter was in surgery for 7 hours. The details are too upsetting to share but she is over it now and the consultant and team are very happy with the result. After the operation her head was very swollen and her beautiful blue eyes closed up as a result. They are almost open now and they removed all the drains from her yesterday.

Thank you to everyone who commented in such a compassionate way and left stars and hearts. I am so grateful and appreciated that very much. I really did.

I had a swim this morning with the good wimmin of Bray and then I had my usual walk.

There was a lady out paddle boarding and she travelled from The harbour end to Bray Head keeping pace with me as I walked.

What a great morning to be alive and out and about feeling close to nature and enjoying a swim and chat with good people.

The Bray Rowing Club were coaching new rowers and they launched their boat just as I was passing. There was great excitement. See extras.

At 9am the 2 major car parks were full and Maud’s was open for business selling ice cream like hot cakes. The walkers, joggers, childer on their little bikes, prams, trams and automobiles were on the prom in shorts, tee shirts (not a dry robe in sight). I love that.

I received some lovely gifts in the post. Thank you (you know who you are). But more about that another time.

Life is full of ups and downs. That’s life though. You just have to get back up on the horse. My own philosophy of living is quite simply…. You either sink or swim. I honestly believe that.

Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday

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