My rose bush

This was the rose I bought in spite of the unhelpful assistant at David Austin Roses last Friday.

It's still not planted - I'm still choosing the spot so it thinks it's still in the showroom.

I'm a real novice but I've been doing a bit of reading up. It's Munstead Wood.
It's an English Old Rose Hybrid and it assures me that "they are excellent garden roses that are tough, reliable and healthy, some of them exceptionally so." That's just as well.

I'm back from my mini trip to London. I had a £4 ticket for the final rehearsal of "La Rondine", a lesser performed Puccini opera. Rehearsals are not usually held in the evening, but the star of this show is due to be Angela Gheorghiu, the Romanian diva who always calls the shots and has a reputation for not turning up, or storming off. Presumably she doesn't do mornings.

I asked the guy who was taking the tickets if she was all set to appear. He didn't seem too sure (and that was at 7.15 with curtain up at 7.30).

Well she did. And she was incredible. I have heard her before - but only doing one slot on the Classic Brits two years ago. She has probably THE best voice and presence of anyone which is why she can get away with what she does. Listen to her and it is sheer heaven. They forgive her anything. (And Charles Castronovo was pretty fine too)

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