
By theBroon

Deerie Me!

Mrs B kindly got me a book on West Lothian walks as an anniversary pressie and today I decided to try one out.

All was going swimmingly (mostly underwater, rain and quagmire) until nearly the halfway point, when two flaws in the guidebook became apparent.

Firstly, when it said "you will cross a couple of wooden bridges", it should have said "not those wooden bridges, ya eejit ....... THOSE wooden bridges".

Secondly, it didn't take into consideration that an eejit might be trying to use the guidebook.

A while later, I emerged from a very dark forest (I swear I heard banjos) to see a familiar view in front of me and my intended destination disappearing behind me ................. yes, I'd just done one, big, soggy loop!

A rethink, a reset and a long trudge back up a hill  finally led me back onto the correct path and back to the car.

I'm pretty sure this pretty thing was laughing at me all the way round.

Lost Weekend

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