
By EddieRiff

Dragon Hill, Uffington, Oxon.

2014. St Georges Day.

Dragon Hill is the mound in the background where St George , legend states where he slayed the dragon.

HAPPY St Georges day!

The St George's flag is the watermark on my heart!


When the Saxons/English began to hate:

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxons/English began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxons/ English began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxons/English began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxons/English began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxons/English began to hate.


John of Gaunt: King Richard

This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,..never did and never shall England sit at the proud foot of a conquerer.

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.

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