
By Jamjar

I slept badly for some reason, but there was a positive in that I was ahead of my usual self and got to the supermarket by 8.15 to buy compost. The last lot was from B&M and I didn't really like the texture. Today's from Tesco (because I couldn't be bothered to drive anywhere else) was more expensive but felt far superior when I opened it this afternoon. 

I took the car to the allotment, I had to because the flat pack compost bin was in the back, got it assembled and full of the pile of weeds. Then I planted out the runner beans.... I know what you're going to say - FROST! But I'm going away for a fortnight and they'll be better off in the ground than in the toilet roll innards, which this one seems to be growing out of the sides! If they die I'll just pop more seeds in. The mangetout peas have survived two nights of 2° temperatures and the Met. Office reckons the nights are warming up. 

I did a bit of digging on the last bed, the one that's had asparagus in, although if those bundles of roots are asparagus they're not growing and they should be by now I think? I don't want to grow it anyway!

Back home the bulk of the afternoon was spent potting on lettuce. No sign of the squash and courgette seeds germinating. I mowed the grass and I'll take the cuttings to spread around the runners tomorrow. My grass needs feeding I think, it's a different colour to next door's and is still a bit sparse. I suspect that Bossman of Derby Driveways fame used inferior turf and there's only a thin layer of topsoil underneath it... maybe spread a 1/2 inch layer of compost over it... what do you think?

Edit: the Met Office have changed their forecast!

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