
By dreaming

Uh oh

Intrepid Sylvie managed to leap from the back of the recliner to the top of the tall bookcase in the living room - and then couldn't figure out how to get down.  She spent a lot of time up there looking down from various vantage points, trying to spot a safe way down, and couldn't come up with a plan.  I brought in my bedroom quilt to pile on the recliner in case that might seem high and soft enough to jump to, but no luck there.  I moved a small low table to a spot that looked like it might work, but she wasn't interested.  I was thinking that I might have to get my next door neighbor, who is six feet tall, to get her down, when she suddenly made a great leap and landed on the edge of the little table.  Both of us were very relieved.

Then I spent a couple of hours with Lex, just schmoozing and complaining about our pain.  After I got home, I changed out Sylvie's litter, something that was long overdue.  But with my arthritic hands and triggering fingers, it was very difficult to do and really painful.  But at least I won't have to go through that again for a few weeks.

Back to dialysis tomorrow.  I didn't hear from the surgery scheduler about the time for my hand surgery on Tuesday, so I won't be able to let dialysis know about a specific time.  But I'll try to see if they can get me in a couple of hours early, since the surgery will be in the afternoon. 

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