
By 58jc


Today started with BP and a quick chat with fellow gym goer.  Sometimes I say to No.1 that I would love to know the 'back story' of people you meet - I can't quite work this chap out.  Perma tanned, around 30 maybe, doesn't work, has exotic holidays, has lips filled (?).  Who knows but pleasant chit chat after class is not enough to fill the gaps?

I called into Lidl on the way home and bought some lovely tulips and a bargan Clematis plant, not that we need any more but at £3.99 I couldn't resist.  Home for shower and tidy up and make some scones for the girls coming for tea.  They turned out well and tasted delicious and were well received.  Good chat with laughs and friendship appreciated.  The picture is a bunch of tulips that L bought from her garden!

After they had gone I cleared away and spent a couple of hours sewing watching rubbish on my ipad before cooking dinner (same as last night but it was ok and I'm trying to use bits out of the freezer while OH is away).

Eventually sat down and watched tv later and found an interesting but very sad, disturbing documentary about the origins of the Holocaust.  Very sad and we never learn from the evils of history.

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