
By HeartFreek


BM..... Otherwise known as Baby Mylo.
Born at 12.57am this morning weighing 8lb 8oz - just 2½ hours after Spencer got home last night!!!

Poor DN1 had nothing as far as induction all day yesterday. She was then left on the antinatal ward on a monitor without her bell being answered while she went from 2 to 10cm naturally. She kept trying to call for help and ended up almost crawling to the midwives desk only to be told that "pain was good"....they dismissed her pain and made her doubt she was as close as she was.... Then when they realized, there was a mad dash to the labour ward where Mylo was born half an hour later!!

Spencer managed an hours sleep before he was called back in but managed to spend the whole night with DN1 and Mylo. Thank God I stayed the night because if Spencer needed to wait for me to arrive he wouldn't have got there in time!!!

I also had very little sleep with Matty waking a few times, 100s of messages throughout the night and Matty up at 5.47am but that didn't matter...... Mylo was safe, DN1 was happy and I was where I needed to be. 

I got Matty to Pre school, went home for a shower and studio set up, collected Matty, took him to the garden centre, let him have a nap in the car then took him home to see mummy and daddy and finally meet his baby brother. It was a total melt your heart moment and he was absolutely amazing with Baby Mylo.

As for Baby Mylo! He's the spitting image of Matty, is feeding well and has ginger hair!!!! 

I'm in love already!!!

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