Foxy's Folio


To Stoke-sub-Hamdon And Beyond

When Tess got back from Keep Fat we headed down to Ham Hill. We needed some more plants from the nearby garden centre so thought we’d make our journey worthwhile with a stroll on the ramparts of the Iron Age fort and a fish finger roll at The Prince of Wales - my second visit of the week.

The blip shows the view from the top of the hill looking towards the Bristol Channel in the distance with the village of Stoke-sub-Hamdon below. The garden centre is just out of shot on the right.

While we were choosing plants I was approached by two women who wanted to check it was me: apparently I taught them nearly 40 years ago at the local school when we first moved to Street and we actually bought our present house from the mother of one of them! When they told me they are now in their mid-50s it made me feel ancient!

After a pleasant chat, we came away with a trolley full of plants and a lot of planting to do.

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