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By PoWWow

The Day We Couldn't Save The Goose

Just as we were really cranking into action painting at the Boathouse and conversation had launched into full feisty swing, all three of us gulped over our shoulder as we saw a scowling man extract a goose from the dingy lake in Platt Fields Park. "Ummmmm.... what are you doing..... WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!!!" we all bellowed as he told us to fuck off and continued to carry the goose out of sight. We all went white and peered at each other in frozen shocked horror as we crept around the side of the building he'd just disappeared behind. Our chorus of screaming only touched the surface of the horrific scene that all of a sudden sat before us. The scowling man proceeded to stamp on poor Goosey's head repeatedly, leaving us helpless and fearful for what he might do to us if we tried to stop him. "STOP IT STOP IT, OH, PLEASE, STOP IT" we wailed in premature mourning of the inevitable demise of the done for bird. There was nothing for it, I would have to run. I've seen many movies of the slow motion panicked running shot ~ this was one of them. I reached the Lakeside Centre and embarked on a fury of screaming + banging on the doors; "Help, please help! There is a goose in need, he is in TRRRRROUBLE!!".... Nothing... Noone there. My mind is blank, that goose is a goner. I ring incident response, they are miles away but it's better than nothing. Back at the scene of the crime, my friend Lish is looking sad, lost and bewildered;

"He's snapped his head off and run away. Knotters is following him" she reports.

I embark on a follow up panic ride of the park, my thoughts are irrational..... What if he turns on Knotters? What if he turns on Knotters?? Oh Knotters, where ARE YOU ?!!!

Lish gets a phone call; "Knotters found him, called the cops + the goose man's being caught". We wait in relief that our friend if OK. But in the meantime, there are children eating ice creams after school and I have to cover up the head of poor Goosey that lies, still and dead on the harsh grey concrete with blood spattered up the wall.

Needless to say, none of us sit right for the rest of the day.

This is a picture of Knotters giving her statement.

Rest in peace, Goosey X X X

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