Journies at home

By journiesathome

I leave this entry to Sasa

Tried Lizzie today but no luck. Will try again. It’s Tony’s and my Golden Wedding Anniversary today. As bridesmaid you took over Pa’s speech by repeatedly saying “You be careful”! And Liz was furious with Diane - who was worried about finding the day a struggle because she wouldn’t be centre of attention (having been so at her wedding the previous September). Prat. The biggest worry was Pa who was so poorly. We then went to Widy in hospital in the evening. She had had a new hip and was very groggy. I gave her my bouquet and she said she would never forget. She then thought for evermore that our anniversary was the 25th. I never had the heart to tell her different. We served Hirondell and everyone was pretty merry. Ma then had her own little party for a few after our reception. They were quite elderly but all got drunk. Tony’s granny wet herself. And aunt Joan and her lot sang a lot. Ma said it was rather rowdy ...but it didn’t end in tears! My wedding night involved Tony with one eye on West Ham on Match of the Day, despite it being truly our ‘first time’.  But he wasn’t too tired like your mum and dad. Now we settle in to watch Chelsea lose in celebration this evening. Jon and co. came for breakfast. Woody’s lot all doing Redroofs and acting and all that bollocks. But will see them soon. Hope everyone well there with you, but not behaving too well of course. You be careful xx

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