Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

¡Mi carta ha llegado!

I awoke to the sound of my alarm at 5:45 this morning. It was my get up and exercise alarm which I had forgotten to turn off the night before. I turned to my phone to silence it and noticed I had received an email. It was from the Comunidad de Madrid. Instead of dozing back to my slumber, adrenaline began rushing through my veins. This email contained my carta de nombramineto! I had been waiting for this document for the past five weeks, exactly. It had information on my school placements, hours, pay, benefits, and so much more. How could I go back to sleep with this information. I quickly got out of bed and jumped to my computer. I had to know more. Where were these schools? What level will I teach? Are other Americans going to be there?

With some of these questions answered, I was stunned at how far they were from downtown Madrid. Despite this discovery, I'm still excited and looking forward to these new challenges. I just have to trust in God that I can do this.

IES Carpe Diem* is the name of one of my schools. Certainly God has a plan for me.

*seize the day

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