
By SpotsOfTime

Murton Pike

The house martins swooped across the green first thing this morning announcing their spring arrival. After a couple of hours on the phone to my sister in the morning the day was in danger of slipping away so I headed off to see how the bluebells were coming on, suspecting I might be a little early.
I barely met a soul but as I was approaching one of the stiles there was a chap coming the other way climbing over. I did the obvious thing and shook his hand saying, ‘Dr Livingstone’ Gordon, I presume … ‘ (Paula’s husband) … And it was too! A lovely surprise. 
I carried on to Flakebridge intending to blip bluebells but it was still a little early, although they were well on their way, and my photos weren’t great. I’d been admiring this bit of walling and was curious about the settlement just nearby, Castle Hill, on top of the bluff so decided to post this view instead. It was pretty boggy still as I made my way to Brampton and back over to Dufton. 

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