
By Jamjar

GR221 Sant Elm to S'Arroco

Sun! Hurrah and the weather was dry all day, about time too! 

It was a cracking walk, although some of the scrambling was a bit of a shock for some - photo - needless to say, I enjoyed it and wished there were more. I appreciate that it was easy for me because I knew the necessary sequence of moves, and I was glad I was in front. I tried to talk Elizabeth through it, but she had no confidencein her boots. Here they are being helped over the "tricky" bit by our leader.

R, one of the 81 year olds, slipped right in front of me and almost went off the path, which would have involved a fall down a slope. Luckily I grabbed his rucksack strap and, although there's no way I could've stopped him falling, I perhaps altered his centre of gravity and he merely sat down. Phew and thank goodness he'd fastened the chest strap!

We got the bus back to the hostel, for free since the machine wasn't working, and four of us decided to go in for a swim. It wasn't nearly as cold in the sea as I'd feared, and I stayed in for a while before walking back, showering and dinner. Packing also has to be done tonight as we're moving onto Esporles tomorrow. 

8.83 miles
1,943 feet elevation gain 

Extras: aeonium, I'd love one but don't think they're frost hardy, and the four of us in the sea.

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