Riding a Wave

20.7C starting wet but drying up from mid morning. Blue sky in the afternoon and windy.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. The sun was just coming out and the clouds clearing. Down on the beach there was quite a headwind as we walked along.

When we reached the car park at Westhaven we looked round and noticed that 'Shamara II' had turned towards shore and was heading in. I sat on a bench and watched the approach to the channel through the rocks. The tide was quite far in so they would have to steer by the marker posts.

There was plenty of up and down and side to side bobbing as they approached the clear path through the rocks. From the series of pictures I took I liked this one best although it is almost at full zoom. They had caught a wave and were riding it all the way through the channel towards the beach.

Maeve was hot again by the time we got home. Cool water and a lie down on the wooden floor in the hall was required. Much sound sleeping this afternoon :-)

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