Report Day

B came home with his school report today, lucky for him he's exactly where he should be in every subject, and a level higher in a few. He was surprised I knew he'd got it, thanks to a school system of group texts to parents. He wasn't worried like he usually is, he'd already opened it to make sure it was his and not his namesake's, that really would've been a nasty surprise.
I will catch up with everyone's journals soon,I've had a headache on and off for days and couldn't look at the computer screen, extra hours at work, and several things going on at school. Been up in the night again with H this time, also about 3am, she's suddenly got a sore throat and a rattly chesty cough, and has been off sick today. Just a meeting at B's school to attend tonight then I might sit down and relax, but I'm not holding my breath.

This peony somehow survived a move to the back of the house about 8 years ago, lots of buds this year but only 2 flowers, the rest have gone black and are dying, could it have been all the rain? I can't even blame Eddie or the husband for that!

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