
By momcat1

Hiding in the flowers

The chipping sparrows were very active after bugs in the apple tree today. They were't the only visitors to the tree - a few titmice came by and a stinker of a yellow warbler was in the tree singing for at least an hour but was not letting itself be seen . I spent at least 20 min scanning for that darn bird without success. Alas ,I could not stay longer because the flower beds called. Now that the temps are up everything is starting to grow and I have a lot of stuff to move and split. So far the shasta daisies have gone to their new home or to the compost heap, the fall aster has been split and replanted and the veronica  split and replanted  as well. I also split off some babies from the heuchera . Next is prune the beauty berry bush  and do some more weed whacking . Oh yay my favorite ( that's sarcasm ).I have to start with the remainder of the garlic mustard that keeps trying to take over the yard , as if the ground ivy wasn't bad enough. At least , so far , it isn't Japanese knotweed, so I won't complain any more.

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