The Little Moments

By littlemoments


My day off had plans in it. My afternoon tomorrow had plans in it. My day off next week has plans in it. The lack of actual time off had been observed. The plans for today were unexpectedly cancelled and space was given. I used it to spend spend some time going through some things that have been waiting weeks. 

I also finally got TheGirls passport sorted which was a relief as its been 3 months of stress, yet once I got the right human it took a matter of less than half an hour to deal with. Will be happy when it's in my mitts but for now this is a weight off my mind. I should have trusted this one a bit more...  but I was very relieved anyway. 

One of the joys I get from my house is the way the light comes in during summer mornings and I was enjoying the view from my table as it reflected round the room and shined particularly onto the wall in the blip. 

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