
By Jamjar

GR221 Soller to Cuber Reservoir

A bit of a walk today.... err that's an understatement as there was a lot of ascent, and it's our 8th day of walking so our legs are tired. But we all managed it. It was the highest point of the holiday and the views were really good.

The main shows the view down the gorge to Soller. 
The extras are the view from the lunch stop, a drinks stop on the way up, and the old wash house in Soller.

I'm afraid I'm even worse than usual at commenting on your journals, there just isn't any time.

Edit: It became apparent today that Ron, one of the 80 year olds wasn't carrying enough water... very little in fact, and was only having a banana for lunch! At home he told me he always has a sandwich plus banana... he says it's heavy carrying water and food............

7.93 miles
3,022 ft elevation gain 

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