
Farewell to Hull, had a great few days there at my folks' with the girls.

I'd never really wandered around the town with my camera before and I got a real sense of history about the place, summat that I never really took any notice of when I was growing up there (I left when I was 18 to go away to university and have only been back sporadically over the last twenty five years). There are constant reminders of the city's maritime past everywhere you go - in the faded facades of old warehouses, the civic buildings, statues and pieces of public art, everywhere. It's not somewhere I'd like to live again, I'm quite happy where I am, but it's got undeniable character and I'll be back with camera and eyes-fully-open again in the near(ish) future.

Some sets of photos from the trip here -

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday

Pause for thought. A tune to close.

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