
By Ilja

Time for another new experience

It’s almost Mothers Day so we thought it’s time to make a present. We made two. One for mom and one for dad, so it will be matching paintings.
I put the canvases in ziplock bags with big dots of paint on them, and then it was time to let little T explore this mysterieus stuff. And that was lots of fun for both of us. At first he just looked, then he got curious and tried touching. And after a few more moments he was all in.
When he was done I took the canvases out and let them dry. In the mean time we tried another funny thing: we made a copy of his hands in black and white on the printer. I cut them out and stuck one hand to one painting and the other to the other when the paint was dry. Finally, three black and white balloons were drawn and cut out for each painting and pasted onto the painting in such a way that it is as if the hands are holding the balloons. Drew a string on it with a marker and we were done. As a finishing touch, a small red heart is drawn in each balloon.
Finished just in time to keep it a secret for the parents.

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