
By flavia13


A little bit adventurous today.  It started off with a bit of a drama (sitcom type):
Morning phone call to Mum:

Mum:   Hello?????? (breathless)
Me:  It's me of course, are you OK???
Mum:  Well ummmm yes!!!
Me:  OK what's happened?
Mum:  Drum roll ----    I didn't wake up until quarter past 8!!!!!
Me:  OK what appointments do you have today?
Mum:  None
Me:  Where are you going then?
Mum:  Nowhere
Me:  So why the urgency??
Mum:  I need to get my washing done and on the line and kitchen floor washed!!!!
Me:  Does it matter that you do all that an hour later
Mum:  Oh, no I suppose not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

END OF DRAMA - well she 92 years young, you've got to love her huh!!!

I've been wanting to visit Wyresdale Park up between Scorton and Garstange for a while now.  Just because I've seen it, so we headed off, after The Drama.
No problems on M6, came of Junction 33 and headed to Scorton, no problem.  Went to turn up Snowshill Lane, to get to Wyresdale Park, CLOSED OFF - aaarrgghh.  So what do we do now.

Luckily Scorton has two cafes, one with a huge car park.  So we pulled into The Barn Car Park (good cafe and gift shop) but this time headed to The Priory Cafe at the foot of Snowshill Lane for a coffee and decide what we wanted to do.
Used to the phone and Google Maps to discover it's actually only a 22 minute walk from Scorton, although maybe a bit steep.  So we thought we'd try it.  It wasn't that steep at all, just a little, even I could get up there without getting out breath or hurting my back - yeah!!

Walked over the M6, could see why it was closed off, some solitary guy there with loads of equipment re-surfacing the road and boy does it need it with huge potholes around.  

Now because it's called a park I was expecting wide open spaces, but it wasn't like that at all, more like a woodland with a large lake..  It does have a cafe but we didn't try it today.

We walked up the road and found this giant hare statue (see extras), interesting.  Had a walk around to see the various craft shops up there, most closed at the moment.  Apparently it is a well known Wedding venue and today we didn't visit that section of it, will have to go again for that.  

Walked on down to one section of the Lake, to discover that the walk around has now been sealed off as someone  has made it a private area!!!  Still we got to see if from one end.

Walked through the woods with bluebells around, lovely.  Then found a Wood Crafters shop.  What an interesting place.  The woodworker was in there and told us all about what he makes, and that it is almost entirely made out of wood from the woodland itself, that has either had to be fells or branches falling off.  Sometimes he gets wood donated to him like recently he was give some Olive Wood and was working on that.

He gave us demonstration and was very chatty and helpful.  He didn't ask us to buy anything but we did anyway, just a Scandinavian Shrink Pot and a Wooden spoon that had been pyrotechnically decorated by his wife.

Apparently you can do a lovely walk from Wyresdale Park to a wonderfully named fell called Nicky Nook!!!  Some say it is moderately challenging but I think not too bad and I think even I could do it, especially if you start from The Park rather than down in Scorton.  

I  would say don't go when schools are out, unless you want to take the children of course, as it could get really busy.  There were quite a few people around today but just pleasantly so.

We then decided to walk back on down to Scorton and have lunch at The Barn, after all we had used their car park and if felt the right thing to do.

As we came away the sun suddenly decided to make an appearance  - oh well  never mind, it was lovely and warm.

That's the end of my dramas for the day.  

Next time I will visit the Wedding area, so long as there isn't a wedding on of course.

That's it folks, do take care and stay safe and thank you so much for visiting and reading my diatribes - hope you enjoyed the drama!!!

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