
By Jamjar

What a busy day, I'm tired... but I probably haven't recovered from the walk yet.

I walked up to the allotment again and found everything as it was yesterday, I'd half expected more slug and snail damage. I planted more runner beans, surrounded them with marigolds and gave everything a good water, which meant a lot of trips to the tap!

I'd just got back when the plumber arrived to give me a new outside tap, the other one had stopped working although it was only 4 years old. He was done in 5 minutes, but we stood in the garden and chatted, watching the starlings and sparrows in the birdbath.

Lunch and then my daughter rang me and we had a good chat.Then I drove to B&Q for a growbag, a pelargonium and a new trowel. 42L growbags are soo heavy! The pelargonium was reduced, so a bargain at £2, but a pity she rang it in wrongly and had to refund the difference. 

Home and I planted it in the pot with the winter pansies, and also planted three of the tomato plants in the growbag, after having broken the compost up. "Shake the bag" it said... easier said than done!

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