Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Sumer is Icumen in ...

Typical. In the interests of having an appropriate title for this blip I've given myself another nocturnal ear worm  - and a round, no less, which could go on all night ... (I've given you a link to a truly splendid group of singers whom we went to hear perform in Kelvingrove Art Gallery several years ago.) But really, it was glorious today - my only regret is that I can't see any sign of the aurora, which I've never seen live because we face east with hills behind and to the north of us. 

The day began with me being far too hot, wakening peevish and boiling despite having closed the curtains against the sun, so my first act when I'd finished my Italian and got up was to strip the bed, bung all the sheets etc in the washing machine, and remove the winter duvet. It's still lurking hugely in the spare bedroom - let's just say it's airing before it goes away, shall we? And after that was all on the line I did all the towels for good measure, such is the joy of having everything baked and blown dry by mid-afternoon. 

I took it all in before we went on a leisurely walk at Toward, looking forward to walking by the sea and not having any particular aim, though in the event we did walk up the hill past the farms to give us some decent exercise first. We even sat on the beach for a bit, perched fairly uncomfortably on a huge tree stump  that had washed ashore, looking out to sea at some small sails, at the birds - gulls and oystercatchers - evicting a heron, and at this view, taken here from the mouth of the Ardyne burn. On the way back we found that the black cattle who live in the field by the track had returned to the muddy burn with the bright grass and knew that it was indeed summer.

Home again, I remade the bed with the summer duvet and the crisp, sun-smelling sheets (just because I could) and we had Himself's curry for dinner. And I clean forgot to make bread for tomorrow.


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