just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

King of the Charcoal

Teddy been on an adventure. He went into the deepest darkest woods. He went on the ant trail. Do you like his cromach, everyone?

He didn't enjoy it that much, really. Loads of display boards and signs, but none of the things mentioned were there. In fact, one shouldn't really say this, but Teddy was bored. Maybe that how some of the little people feel. Teddy has never realised this before.

Teddy longs for a view, or the sea. Teddy longed for anything apart from paths that kept on going up, and midges that kept on going in. Teddy will draw a veil over that part.

It was an outdoor gym, without the benefit of the coffee shop.

As for the charcoal- you'll have to work that out for yourself, thinks Teddy. He's off for an expresso and a pastry.

Worryingly urban Teddy.

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