Again and Again

By Ripitup

Floral + Marion backdrop

Although I didn't sleep well I didn't see any of the purple skies that were being digitally shared when I woke up.  I did enjoy watching  a robin hop about the garden and the mist breaking up as I waited until it was late enough to make noise and wake Marion.  The garden in Sculthorpe is a riot of colour at the moment. The perfect place to enjoy a mug of tea before we were on the road again.

  Sherringham parkrun.  A magnificent, undulating course within a National Trust park. It was hard work going round but we both managed to walk and jog a bit.  Spectacular views including a train, a windmill rhododendrons and a distant seascape meant there was some picture taking pauses. I'd definitely return.  The cafe queue afterwards was long and we opted to take in more of the garden, including climbing up a viewing tower, before returning to the cafe for a breakfast bap.  Next we headed to the sea where, after navigation of some pretty big pebbles, we were able to swim.   We changed into dry clothes in the carpark before a walk around town. Marion picked up a theatre program and I spotted an apron decorated with birds that, reminding us of an earlier conversation, had us both laughing again.  Next it was Holt. I had spotted that blipper Mad Hatter was at a pop up there and we managed to find her and enjoyed her colourful collection of headgear and a little plod around nearby yards before deciding we were done.  Marion found energy to chase down some men in kilts and put in a beer order  as we headed home.  What fun

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