
By pandammonium

Busy day

I knew nothing of yesterday’s northern light display until today. Too late. I’ve never seen the northern lights before, and I’m annoyed I missed this great opportunity. Still it might happen tonight.

Parkrun this morning; back to my tokens. The finish funnel worked perfectly. There didn’t seem to be many people there, but over a hundred people finished in the boiling heat.

This afternoon, I went to Fight Klub in Ely. I’d been harangued into it, along with another friend. We weren’t happy about it until we were doing it; it was actually good fun, and if anyone is annoying you, you can picture their face on the punch bag and give them what for. We were glad we’d been talked into it after all.

In the evening, I watched Eurovision. At least we weren’t last, although it would’ve been nice to get some points from the voting public. I picked out Italy to win, with Croatia as my second choice. Didn’t do too badly.

After Eurovision, I looked out the window to see if the sky was doing anything. It wasn’t, despite the BBC saying the best time to view it would be after Eurovision.

I wondered if anything would show up on camera because <insert whole thing on Facebook here>. I went outside and took a photo of the black sky, and got a photo of blackness. Yep, definitely missed my chance.

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