
By Houseonahill6


I was lucky to be looking out with the camera when the baby Robin landed on the fence. It was there for just a few seconds before hopping into the trees out of sight.
I had the Puffin Pool at 8.30am although we were slightly late as we caught every red light and a few tractors in front of us. It was not that warm again as they had just changed the water and it had not heated up yet. It was ok though.
Went to Lidl after and got two of their special veg/fruit boxes for just £1.50 each. They are made up from fruit and veg from split packets or are slightly wonky.
We drove back past the yellow fields of oil seed rape. There was a small cruise ship in at Invergordon. So many flies the sky was black with them. Plenty of food for the swallows :)
A lovely afternoon , nice and warm :)

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