Elwetritsches Welt

By Elwetritsche

Well Hidden but not Alone

More cycling today, but not very far because certain body parts protested....

Around the Kranichwoog area there were so many people out walking and cycling,  I had to find a more secret place for my usual break before going home. Only that I wasn't alone: I shared this bench with a zillion of mosquitoes and despite a repellent I didn't last long. Thought I could try my luck for my favourite bench very close to the observation tower instead,  but I had no chance. Was home before 4 pm and had more quiet time on the balcony. 

I hope the run for the tower will not last too long, otherwise I will need different playgrounds for walks and cycling and only go there in bad weather or when I'm in desperate need of human contacts.

19:30; 24,5°C

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