Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Roger - Gromit #69

Artist - Richard Williams

Picked Ciarán up tonight earlier than he normal, as Friday's afterschool club finishes at 5pm.
So took the opportunity to find the closest Gromit to our house (under 2 miles I reckon).

It was a good job we detoured as John was the grumpiest little sod tonight when we picked him up from nursery. He did not want to leave, and was even less happy when I therefore picked him up.
He refused to eat his pizza for tea (all the more for Ciarán); so cut straight to his bottle of milk.

2ozs in a lo and behold I got to saw his sweet and sour for lunch up close and personal.

I'm sure the neighbours enjoyed the site of me stripping down to my skivvies on the patio (it was the quickest way to go when the pair of us where literally covered head to toe in vomit.

In fairness at least John still had his vest on when he went in the house. My jeans, socks and t-shirt where all deposited on the patio.

That was 3.5 hours ago now, and luckily I've not heard a peep on the monitor since he went down, but suspect tonight might be a long one.

I should have known, as he always seems to be trouble when Urs goes out for the night :S

Oh well, at least I've now managed to sit down and watch some tennis.

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