The eXmoor Files

By PaulaK

180: Highland Cattle No. 3

Oh my goodness, what a night! My Mum came round and we had a lovely small BBQ at home in the warmth of the evening putting the world to rights. After, I thought, "Oh what to blip!", and went off to the Stoneythorpe Hall gates to see if I could get the sun going down with the Highland cattle in the fields. They suddenly looked up and started to walk towards a noise coming down the very long drive and I thought I'd better jump in my car and make myself scarce. A very friendly smiley face peered out of this, what looked like a big golf buggy truck-like, vehicle and said, "I'm just going to feed them jump in!".

He was the owner of the Hall and the cattle and told me all about them and how one of them is about to give birth in the next couple of weeks, about their nature and a couple of their names. It was lovely and felt like a mini adventure (missed my photographic adventure partner, Draco)!

I sort of fumbled with my settings in the process but managed to get this shot. The ISO is probably too high but there was a lot of movement with them jostling for food and nudging each other out of the way - so hope it doesn't look too grainy.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Sorry I haven't managed to comment but I will be back! ?

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