madwill's world

By madwill

Horse On A Hill

A nice bright sunny day. Enjoying it while I can….have been out for a couple of walks ...4.2 miles in total.

This horse seemed to be enjoying the nice weather too. The paddock is on the outskirts of the village and is really quite steeply sloped..not just from front to back in the photo but also from the left up to the right…couldn’t decide wether to level the ‘horizontal’ fence bars or align the vertical posts..opted for the latter so that the horse appears upright. I wonder if it has shorter legs on one side…. :-

Mrs madwill’s gardener friend has been here most of the day and has made a great change to the layout and appearance…would have taken me weeks to achieve similar results. Mrs madwill will no doubt need to spend a small fortune on new plants now :-(

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