My Life With Luna

By chrisA

We walked around the field that was flooded between October and April, the poor farmer hasn't been able to cultivate it so fear it will be left fallow now.   It's odd, as the majority of the soil is dry with  cracks opening up, an area is quite spongy and there is still a large area with standing water.   The weeds are not even attempting to grow.
I came across this little horseshoe lying on the soil, it's small about 4 inches across.   It set me wondering when it was lost and from what animal, obviously not from a Suffolk Punch or heavy working horse, far too small. Maybe a child's pony or even a horse from the local hunt, I'll never know, but it did get my imagination working.
I'm back to normal after the reaction to the Covid booster, thankfully, and Luna seconds that too.

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