
By GracieG

The Freshness of Spring

I woke up early this morning and as I couldn't get back to sleep I decided to grab my camera and head off to NT Felbrigg.  I parked and set off into the woods there at around 6:50am, so the light was gentle and soft.

I just love the fresh green lushness this time of the year.  The bluebells have almost completely gone over now but the Red Campion is still looking beautiful and this 'mini landscape' caught my eye.

I look a flask of coffee with me and sat watching (and listening) to the sheep and lambs bleating continuously, accompanied by a chorus of chiff chaffs.

The additional entertainment was watching a naughty lamb who managed to squeeze through the fence railings into the public area, of course soon followed by his chums.  When the ewe noticed them through the fence but couldn't get to them, she became somewhat distressed and her bleating became louder and more urgent.  A couple of visitors rounded the lambs up and managed to get them onto the correct side of the fence. However,  they just ran further up the fence and pushed through again.  One of the NT volunteers said he'd given up trying to round them up as they do this all the time.

I've added an extra of some buttercups blowing in the wind.

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