
By Paladian

The Tate

A mixed day - we saw the outside of Big Ben and the British Parliament buildings - walked right around to Westminster Abbey - but it was sold out.  We've bought tickets to go later in the week.

Then we took quite a long walk to the Tate Gallery.  Now - my mother (or my Grandmother, not sure which) always said that if you can't say anything nice, shut up.  So, all I will say about the Tate Art Gallery is that it had a very pleasant restaurant.

But ... after that we walked a little further to a brilliant yarn store in Pimlico (Beautiful Knitters - see in Extras).  I got on really well with the young lad that worked there and the two delightful owners.  I shall go back later in the week and buy some yarn to keep my hands and brain occupied on the long flight home.  You can take knitting needles on Qantas, which is a great relief.

Sincere apologies to all blippers - this last week in London has basically been for our work, and we haven't really had the time to organize meeting up with anyone.  And we're both pretty weary, I have to say.  Next time, I promise!!!

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