
By biddy

Luminous greenery. 9:10 am.

It has rained after teatime yesterday, and during the night.
This morning looking out through the patio window everything looked so lush. The Liquid Amber maple tree at the top of the garden finally unfurling all its leaves.
Busy day.
We went to our next door neighbour’s husband’s funeral, which was at 10:00 am at the local RC. Church.He was 92 years old.
We got the bus there as parking would have been difficult the church being situated on the main road.
He was the most extraordinary man. Spoke 7 languages including fluent Hungarian and French to name two. Also a published poet. Self taught, one of 6 children. He left home at 16 years old to go to London and try for a job in the Civil Service, being successful!
In his 20’s he was recruited by M15 at a time when the Cold War was evident in Europe.
His younger brother had written a piece about him in the service sheet which was absolutely fascinating to read. We spent some time with him at the Wake which was held after the burial. It was catered for at the Moor Hall Hotel from 12.00noon onwards. We got the bus home and picked up our car to drive to the venue.He was also fascinating, recounting to us that he himself was recruited to M15 by his older brother. Neither of them told anyone anything about the work they did, being bound by the Official Secrets Act. But I just jokingly said “Oh you must’ve known Burgess and McClean then” !
He just looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and I could see that he had done so!
They were known as the Cambridge spies, along with several others including Anthony Blunt.
I could go on!
The most touching thing of all was to see his four grandchildren, with their dad, and one of the funeral directors, carrying his coffin into church and up the central aisle.
They all loved him so much. Each of them took part in the service, recounting lovely memories.
Here is a poem written by one of them and read by them in the service.

“A glimpse of Gramps”

You always taught us from day one
That simple things bring so much fun:
To read a book, to fly a kite,
To eat icecream with such delight.

You fed our minds, you helped us grow
You shaped the paths that we follow.
To call you Gramps- how lucky we are
No doubt it’s helped us come so far.

Fond memories we now treasure
In our hearts we’ll keep forever
A piece of you, a guiding light,
An inspiration; we’ll hold it tight”

An uplifting inspiring day.

I’ll be back tomorrow!
Another of our friends is coming for dinner this evening.

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