
By DepressedDiva

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turned 39. One more year and my 30s are over! I literally cannot wait! My 30s have been truly awful! The 40s can only be better!

It’s been a lovely day, mostly. Work wasn’t awful considering it was French listening GCSE day. I got the above things from the teenager. They’re very me and pretty much what I wanted! We went to the Toby for dinner and I’m now sat with a glass of wine watching Midsomer Murders.

Here’s what I’ve had happen in my 30s:
Been cheated on
Ended my marriage
Been diagnosed with diabetes
Lost my Nan (who bought me up)
Lost my grandad
Broke several bones
Got fat
Got depressed
Been made redundant

But also:
Ran a marathon
Started an actual career
Bought a house in Bulgaria
Completed my masters
Made some amazing friends
Got my lovely pets
Raised a truly amazing daughter, mostly alone!

My forties have big plans attached to them.

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