
By maureen6002

Port Sunlight

The weather isn’t really conducive to our Wirral exploration, but G heroically continues with his gardening despite the weather. 

I need to go into Liverpool to collect some meds from the pharmacy in The Royal, and this gives the excuse for a bit of shopping. I avoid the term ‘retail therapy’ as it definitely isn’t. For one thing, I really don’t have the energy and my back means I’m soon struggling; for another, finding clothes to comfortably accommodate my medical ‘accessories’ is challenging! No wonder I tend to rely on online shopping! Still, the assistants at John Lewis are so helpful, hunting for my requested cropped linen trousers with an elasticated waist (something I thought I’d never be requesting!) without success! And I find a dress I really like! 

Then there’s lunch at The Bluecoat - outside in the gardens as the weather’s now improved, before returning to The Wirral and a visit to the Lady Lever Gallery in Port Sunlight village. I’m keen to see the exhibition of women landscape artists, and there are some lovely pieces.  The rest of the gallery we both find rather uninspiring and ‘fusty’ - some beautiful pieces of decorative art, sculpture and pre-Raphaelite paintings, but somehow it’s all a little dark and oppressive. Maybe we’re just not in the right mood. 

Outside, however, all is different. The gallery is set in Port Sunlight Village, the beautiful settlement built for Lever’s workers in 1888. It’s idyllic in many ways, set in parkland, beautifully designed and almost unchanged since the days it was created for the workers at the soap works.  Much more in the link below.

My main today is the beautiful glass dome of the Lady Lever Art Gallery, with extras of Port Sunlight Village. 

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