Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

A Blooming Great Day

It's felt like a long day as I didn't get my Wednesday lie in but all worth it.

Word of warning...this may turn into a ramble as I'm only on half dose medication while my tummyaches are still settling!

Took Minnie for a second opinion on her intermittent squeaky brakes and it made sense to use the garage on the business park where I work...I knew F had used them before when he worked nearby too and we use them at work as well. Also, weather permitting, it's also only a 12 minute walk to my office :) This turned out to be a bit longer as I had to stop and phone my mum!...

"Parked" Minnie nearby and went into reception...gave my details to the girl on the counter and was about to head to work and she asks if I'm from Welney...I said yes and immediately had internal panic about not recognising someone, because, you know, out-of-sight, out-of-mind, the ADHD symptom that medication cannot help!, plus Prosopagnosia (face blindness - I might know you but if you're not where I think you should be, I can't often recognise you)...

My school best friend's sister has been working almost round the corner from me for the last 3 months!! Too long a story to go into the 1995 to now years but suffice to say, now I know why I've acted and reacted the way I have at times in the past, and have names for all the things that were and are "wrong" with me, I'm taking full responsibility for losing touch. 

Part of me thinks this is fate as I've been able to find her on Facebook this evening and wish her happy birthday for tomorrow...whether she sees the message or replies or reaches out with a friend request remains to be seen but I had the biggest smile on my face when I finally got into the office! :)

All the ladies went for lunch in Ely at a new cafe and though my tummy is still delicate I managed most of a fish finger sandwich and half of a decaf coconut iced latte - still not enjoying hot drinks and didn't even fancy my favourite brunch of pancakes with bacon and maple syrup which was on the menu! I really can think of better ways to lose weight but loss of appetite won't be the end of the world I suppose!

Then this lovely poppy greeted me when I got home this evening. 
Brilliant :) :) :)

Oh yeah, Minnie's fine. One of the rear brakes was a little sticky but is all good now! :) 

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