Hev’s Journal

By Hevkk

Jak Did A Blip Meet

We met the beautiful, adorable Hollie today. Hollie also brought along her Oomans who happen to be fellow Blipper, Ingleman, and Mrs I.

Jak and Hollie were the perfect companions in that they totally ignored each other all day in contented, companionable silence. Hollie, the more senior and infinitely more sensible of the two, tolerated Jak's need to steal her tennis ball every few minutes (which I thought was pretty generous of her).

Fortunately for us, the human element of the group were far more sociable and we had a really lovely day together, culminating in a lovely tea back at Ingleman Towers. Thank you both so much for a fantastic day and for inviting us back for delicious refreshments. And thank you also for showing us parts of Shropshire that we would otherwise have missed. 


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