Wax Berry

Most things in the fresh market are common to my eye by now. But when I passed these berries, I had to stop and ask about them. It turns out they have many names...Chinese Bayberry, Japanese Bayberry, Red Bayberry, Yumberry, Waxberry, and Chinese strawberry. The berries are sweet and the tiniest bit tart. If overripe, they have a bit of a vinegar taste. They can be eaten fresh or dried, used as a die, and made into juice, yogurt or jam.

The only logical thing to do with a basket of new berries...make a pie out of them!

I only had about 9 of the ping-pong ball sized berries, so I cut them up, mixed them with some apples, and made them into minipies which I cooked in a large muffin tins. I also made a mango-cherry pie minipie, which turned out great. I don't know why I never thought of using mango in pie before.

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