c'mon andy!

we were a bit worried that we might not get into the wimbledon grounds today because there would be a huge queue - so we were up and out early to get on to the horrific london rush hour tube to get there. as we arrived at the gate, a lovely older gentleman official told us not to worry, that we'd be in before the start of play and we would have a wonderful day...honestly, it's all so organised, jolly and lovely! the queue wasn't really that long...probably will be on sunday though,

sure enough, we were in and on the hill well before play and watched djokovic beat del potro - a brilliant 5 setter but shame del potro didn't win it, most folk on the mound were rooting for him. it was so hot - I had loads of sun cream on and spent most of the time with my shirt covering my head and shoulders...but still managed to get slightly burnt. I can't imagine how it must have been to play 5 sets of tennis in that heat.

watching andy murray beating janovic was brilliant - so exciting, it was just amazing being there, clapping along with the hawkeye line calls, waving every time the camera panned over the hill, eating strawberries and cream, drinking pimms - we did it all.

I had a few more civilised photos of us enjoying watching the tennis on murray mound...but I had to blip this one which was after andy won of course! we're totally exhausted from all the sun, wine, pimms and excitement - but this shows exactly what and ace time we've had...and it's complete with a random lady who had had an equally ace day!

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