Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

babybook update

Blip is the closest thing we've got to baby books for the boys. I suspect 12 years ago we were about to head for our 12 week scan, pregnancy after a miscarriage was fairly anxiety provoking. And some how, fastforward and we're heading towards the end of primary school. Two months left, but today marks the end of SATs. I feel for teachers forced to teach in this way and feel for the children subjected to it. Last week they read a poem about being 'more than a score', it feels almost like gaslighting after the constant constant constant focus on these tests (which are meant to be about the school) for the past year. 

But they're done, as ever TWW has gone in with a smile and come out with a smile. I was walking along behind him and thought I needed to capture the bucket hat, the leavers hoody, the smile. 

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