
By LomondLad

A day of water

So much water!

It had rained quite heavily overnight, so first off this morning we went back to Bow Falls to see how much more water was at the falls. You could definitely see (and hear) the difference from last night. [Final Extra]

After our stop again at Bow Falls this morning we headed on to Lake Louise. The weather got a bit worse with some rain starting to fall: as we ascended up towards the lake there was a lot of snow still on the ground. The lake was pretty much still frozen over, so not the usual picture-postcard view of blue sky and green glacial-melt-water that you usually see pictures of. Despite that, it was still pretty stunning, and the photos really don’t do it justice. [Main Photo & First Extra]

After having some lunch at Lake Louise, we headed on to Emerald Lake. Being at a lower altitude, it wasn’t frozen. The rain however had returned with a vengeance with quite a heavy downpour; it wasn’t great for staying there too long.
You could see the distinctive colour of the water, with the glacier melt running in to the lake from the hills. [Second Extra]

On the way back to Banff, a brief stop off at Natural Bridge, at the Kicking Horse River. Quite stunning. [Third Extra]

Back in Banff, we went to hear a talk by a retired corporal in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. It was very interesting. Went out for dinner, and when we came back out of the restaurant there was blue sky for the first time today, just in time for the sun going down behind our hotel. [Fourth Extra]

 A full day!

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