Further my skills

By H0tamer

Smart phone repair

Teba's smart phone had a swollen battery. During the effort to open the back cover completely, this cover burst into 100 pieces.
Last weekend son R. helped to take the smart phone properly apart, removing also most of the glue. D. had ordered a replacement battery and replacement back cover. But somehow we were all too careful to try putting all together again.
Today I tried my luck. It looks like it was successful. Only the fingerprint sensor doesn't seem to work. But Teba doesn't use that anyway, so no big issue. And we are not sure yet whether the extra glue on the new back cover will be sticky enough. If not, we will use T-8000, that seems to be the right glue.

As you can see in my selfie I am wearing my reading glasses. This stuff is so very small. Compared to a phone a laptop is much easier to repair.
Some of the contacts are just 1*3mm. Another contact has a layer of plastic attached, so you can pull it inside the socket. With fingers like mine, already pretty small, it will not work, you need that plastic and, most helpful, pincers.

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