
By GenuineBlip

The Rock of Spoleto

Spoleto is one of our special places to visit in Umbria. The train between Spello and Spoleto is out of commission for maintenance but a dedicated Trenitalia bus, taking a longer, more circuitous route, brought us to the black, immense Calder sculpture in front of the Spoleto train station. We took a worm-hole up to the highest point (450 m elevation) of the medieval hill town to “The Rock”. Spoleto has a network of subterranean escalators and elevators, which we nicknamed ‘worm-holes’, that moves people efficiently around the city without the hot strenuous climbs on cobbled streets. The Rock of Albornoz is an impressive 14th century fortress that also served as an elegant residence. It is now a museum after a brief stint (1817-1982) as a penal colony. The “Courtyard of Honor” has a well and is surrounded by colorful frescoed porticos (featured). Inside the main tower, the governor’s private bedroom is adorned by wall frescoes telling a story of courtly love (extra).

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