
By Knottman2

New Hobby.

Mrs K and I have always been birdwatchers. Not Birders you understand.
But we visit hides and are keen to identify what we see.
Although I can still see ducks and geese and the like my age related loss of vision means that I have little chance of seeing all those smaller birds which flit around in trees and hedges.

Once again technology comes to the rescue.
I now regularly use Merlin birdsong recognition. A really wonderful free App developed by Cornell University in upper New York State.
My blip gives just a glimpse of five minutes in the garden. It heard many others including Eider duck. And up on part of the Knott this morning I had Whitethroat and Blackcap which I would never have seen.

So now I can start a new lifetime list.  The future looks brighter.

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